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Success Never Goes On Sale, But My Tools Are Cheaper

September 8, 2009

Orrin Woodward recently tweeted this nugget:

Success never goes on sale so determine now to pay the full price.

While success never goes on sale, Orrin’s expensive tools trunks have gotten cheaper. Revised in August, 2009, the Media Warrior 2000 and Media Warrior 1000 Trunks have both seen their prices reduced since my blog post about them several months ago1. While the two trunks originally sold for $2000 and $1000, they are now selling for $1690.72 and $871.76 respectively.

TEAM has also rearranged the deck chairs in terms of what you get in the trunks. It’s still, however, basically a bunch of paper and CDs, items that can easily be distributed and updated if they were in PDF or MP3 format. Then again, Orrin wants you to pay the full price for success, so I don’t think you’ll be getting many freebies from him in the future. Don’t say he didn’t warn you!

It goes without saying that you still don’t get a physical trunk with either purchase. I bet if I looked hard enough, I could find a box big enough to hold all of your tools for sale on the TEAM web site!

1 I read about the trunks originally from Candace on Lazy Man’s extensive blog post on MonaVie.

19 Comments leave one →
  1. September 9, 2009 12:13 pm

    One thing is for certain, they are going to have to sell a lot of tickets & tools to cover the over $25,000,000. + interest judgement they received in their Michigan arbitration. And that is only one of the suits! I wonder if their people know?

  2. September 9, 2009 3:03 pm

    Wow. What a great deal.

    Anyone who thinks this is a good deal deserves to go broke.

    Do the people who already bought the trunks at the original price get a rebate?

    An “in store” credit?


    I’m gonna go with nothing.

    TEAM is a joke.

  3. Joecool permalink
    September 9, 2009 5:38 pm

    Good gravies. How much training do you need when you sell ONE PRODUCT?

  4. September 9, 2009 7:04 pm

    When we have to deal with the Anti-Amway (and now Anti-MonaVie) kingpins, surely you NEED trunks of training.

    Maybe ALL the training in the world can never beat the Anti-Amway/MonaVie kingpins because all it takes is ONE WEBSITE to spread Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD).

    Good grief, how many more brainless humans will be convinced by Anti-Amway/MonaVie kingpins before we start to ask ourselves, “So what? So what if Amway/MonaVie goes mainstream? Why is that a problem?”

    Spending time to bash even the positive sides of Amway, MonaVie and TEAM is a joke of a sick mind indeed.

    (this post is NOT pointed at Amthrax, but the Anti-Amway/MonaVie/TEAM kingpins who are delusional and destructive in their diatribe) 🙂

  5. Cindy permalink
    September 9, 2009 11:17 pm


    Why do you go so far to defend Amway? I’m not sure, but it sure seems like Orrin is VERY anti-Amway kingpin! Didn’t he sue them as a pyramid? I think Orrin hated Amway kingpins so bad, he didn’t want to be one. Monavie will not go mainstream. Pyramids never go mainstream…they need to fly under the cover of darkness and eventually implode.

  6. mrmaximum permalink
    September 10, 2009 7:50 am

    “When we have to deal with the Anti-Amway (and now Anti-MonaVie) kingpins, surely you NEED trunks of training.

    Maybe ALL the training in the world can never beat the Anti-Amway/MonaVie kingpins because all it takes is ONE WEBSITE to spread Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD).”

    I think the point has been missed here. WHY are their people who are against the Amway and Monavie Kingpins? Might it be the lack of success which is omni present? All businessess at one point where fringe and not mainstream, it was the effectiveness of their business model which brought about their mainstream presence.

    If your business model produces quite a bit of failure with little success, one cannot get upset at the resulting negative outcry

  7. September 10, 2009 9:32 am

    Cindy and MrMaximum,

    That is a good question… actually, I also don’t know. 🙂

    As for MonaVie going mainstream, I really think that achieving US$854 million in Revenue and #1 in Food and Beverage on Inc500 is pretty mainstream, versus US$8.5 million for the #2 guys. (also pretty good results too btw)

    So, it is silly to say that MonaVie/Acai berry is not mainstream, the question now lies as to WHY there are Anti-Amway kingpins who are now extending their sinister agenda to MonaVie, which is NOT Amway.

    I mean, come on, these Anti-Amway kingpins were NEVER even in MonaVie, what gives them the right to criticise MonaVie in the same way they bomb Amway? (sounds familiar?) 🙂

  8. Joecool permalink
    September 10, 2009 10:26 am

    Rykel says: “I mean, come on, these Anti-Amway kingpins were NEVER even in MonaVie, what gives them the right to criticise MonaVie in the same way they bomb Amway? (sounds familiar?)”

    Joecool says: Because there are tool scam kingpins in Mona Vie as well as Amway? What exactly is there to “learn” when Mona Vie sells one product? Are they teaching you the molecular structure of an acai berry?

  9. mrmaximum permalink
    September 10, 2009 1:22 pm

    “So, it is silly to say that MonaVie/Acai berry is not mainstream, the question now lies as to WHY there are Anti-Amway kingpins who are now extending their sinister agenda to MonaVie, which is NOT Amway.”

    Hmm, I guess one could say that the product is mainstream with those kinds of sales, however, I would think that something like Coca Cola is mainstream, a product that is well known is mainstream, conventional, “normal” if you will. MLM isn’t even a conventional way to do business and there are arguements all over the internet whether or not this form business model even works let alone whether or not any product they sell is mainstream. Joe is correct about the teaching and traning, apparently this Orrin Woodward is taking a page from the Amway Kingpins and flogging tools to the masses.

    I have a family member in sales, I’m well aware of how setting up one’s own library on books, tapes and seminars can assist their success, however, as good as my Mother in law was in sales (and she pulled in 6 figures a year regularly) she had never invested as much as even what is listed in this Movavie Tool Trunk.

    This is why I ask you again Rykel, people don’t generally like salespeople. They seem little better than lawyers in most people’s opinions. However, why is there more acceptance for one to work as a salesman in a brick and mortar company, than to join a MLM?

    Why? Because as much as it’s hard to succeed and most people would rather not get into sales due to this fact, if you work, you DO get paid and some do make very good money. There are no websites stating that Xerox Salesmen make no commisions, or that Car Sales Reps really falsify their lifestyles to seem successful. You do the work, you get paid, it isn’t easy but this is an indusputable fact. The same cannot be said about most MLM’s and hearing about Orrin’s behavior in Monavie does indeed raise eyebrows

  10. September 10, 2009 3:41 pm

    Rykel said

    “Spending time to bash even the positive sides of Amway, MonaVie and TEAM is a joke of a sick mind indeed.”

    In my opinion, spending time reading Orrin’s books, attending his motivational seminars, and listening to the same tired old CD’s is a COMPLETE waste of time.

    Perhaps if Orrin REALLY AND TRULY cared about his “TEAM”, he would try to find a way for people to make MONEY from the movement of goods.

    Not hopefully build a group to sell Orrin’s tools to.

    I’ve been shown the Monavie plan. It’s not that complicated.

    If Orrin is in the “LEADERSHIP” business, as he likes to say, and his raison d’etre is to make leaders, maybe he should market his product as leadership training, not a magical fairy juice that makes it all nice and legal.

    I don’t like Orrin Woodward, nor anything he stands for.

    You are free to feel otherwise. But it’ll cost you……

  11. Joecool permalink
    September 10, 2009 4:10 pm

    If these tools really worked (but they don’t), then all Orrin or any Amway kingpin would have to do is to disribute them to as many IBOs as possible. IBos would listen to the cd or tape, apply the knowledge, move products and the IBOs and the upline who produced the tools would all be happy. This is sort of how a real franchise works. You duplicate an idea or concept that works and the franchisee and franchisor both with.

    Amway and Mona Vie are not franchises. IBOs are really comissioned sales people with not benefits or guaranteed salary. Sort of like the guy at WalMart who sells electronics, except the Walmart guy earns a wage or salary and gets benefits.

    But because Amway and Mona vie tools don’t work, the upline leaders make their money selling their downline tools, and whether or not the downline succeeds, upline still wins.

    I hope this helps to simplify things for the IBOs.

  12. September 13, 2009 9:27 am

    RYKEL also said:

    “So, it is silly to say that MonaVie/Acai berry is not mainstream”

    I have a friend who was/is in Orrin’s downline. He has literally cases of that stuff lying around. His fridge never has less than half a dozen bottles of it.

    If they are mainstream, as you say, it’s an artificially created mainstream.

  13. Barkin permalink
    September 14, 2009 6:29 am

    Is this a fact ?. Just wondering if there is anything online about this. I have a few friends that I would love to share this info with. 🙂

  14. September 17, 2009 11:34 am

    Team filed an appeal in Utah to overturn the judgement against Orrin, Chris, & Tim, but yes, they lost!
    Approximately $12,000,000 for Orrin, 9,000,000 for Chris, & $3,000,000 to Tim. + interest. Of course these will be “deferred” to the entire group.

  15. September 17, 2009 12:52 pm

    JJ: Proof?

  16. September 17, 2009 6:41 pm

    Proof of what? Who are you talking to?

  17. September 17, 2009 7:25 pm

    Sorry Rykel,

    It’s true. the honorable judge Singer ruled against them in arbitration for millions… ( $35,000,000.00 + when you add interest )
    The arbitration itself is sealed but the motion from Amway in Michigan and the subsequent appeal from Team in Utah is public record.
    That still leave the Reno case, the IBOAI Case, the class action case, The individual arbitration cases… wow.
    Look for a $5,000 tool trunk coming soon 😉

  18. September 17, 2009 8:29 pm

    rocket: i was talking to JJ.

    jj: isn’t it terrible that a coorporation can damage a single person for $35 MILLION? I don’t know about you, but the “evil” of any Amway kingpin does not seem like anything close to this judgment, assuming that you are telling us the facts.

    By the way, has Orrin and/or TEAM hurt any of you financially here personally, or are the Anti-Amway kingpins working against Orrin as an extension of their hatred for all things Amway/MonaVie/MLM/Direct Selling?

    Can you imagine how almost nobody will ever make anything close to $35 million in their entire LIFETIME?? 😛

  19. September 17, 2009 8:51 pm


    I don’t have an issue with Orrin, Chris, or Tim. We know from court documents that Orrin was paid $10,000,000 a year from Team for several years, so a judgement of $12,000,000 plus interest isn’t too far fetched. especially if it was proved in arbitration he had planned on hurting Amway’s business since 2003 / 2004. Personally, I believe that Monavie is an outstanding opportunity. I just believe that the tool side of team is hurting all Monavie & Team distributors.

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